Import and Construction of the Pnad 1999 Sampling Plan


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I’m looking to analyze the 1999 PNAD and expand its results to the population, so I’m using the package Survey and , however, my problem lies in the import and construction phase of the sampling plan.

In my references I’m having trouble:

  1. On import with package lodown are not lowering in the get_catalog PNAD 1999 data according to

  2. In this reference, the link: source_url( "", prompt = FALSE , echo = TRUE ) is not working, which is "Master script to take care of all the download steps": originalSubdomain=en

It is possible to force the 1999 PNAD lodown and consequently appear in the get_catalog?

lodown( "pnad" , output_dir = file.path( path.expand( "~" ) , "PNAD" ) )

# examine all available PNAD microdata files
pnad_cat <-
    get_catalog( "pnad" ,
        output_dir = file.path( path.expand( "~" ) , "PNAD" ) )

# 2011 only
pnad_cat <- subset( pnad_cat , year == 2011 )
# download the microdata to your local computer
pnad_cat <- lodown( "pnad" , pnad_cat )
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