How do you ask a good question?


Viewed 39 times


Impossible to ask a good question on this site, besides the bad explanation and a bad tutorial, all questions are rated as outside the scope of the site or things like that, even making clear which error and giving all possible details, I have had numerous questions closed for the same reason, and the only thing I do is a silly question of why of such a mistake, showing my code and configuration.

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    It’s not bad at all, the explanations are clear, the Oxs on top of the questions already indicate where you should improve and if you are interested in participating in a community site the least that is expected is to read the [help] instead of accusing, it is also indicated that read the highlighted topics on the right side (title: Featured in the Meta), recommend starting with: Sopt Survival Guide - Short Version ... other thing, complaints or requests about understanding the site should not be made here, should be made at

  • @Guilhermenascimento if it is so good, why they had to reduce the number of votes to close a question and also why he has so many closed questions in one day?

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    But only open a question in META after searching, because for all these understandings there are already answers on how to orient yourself to use the site. The important thing is to understand that in addition to a site to "help people", it is also necessary to understand that one must meet the minimum requirements, such as creating a [mcve]

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    Questions are not closed randomly, only questions that do not follow the minimum quality rules are closed, and instead of quiestioning in an improper place have more attention to what is directed to you in comments or "box" closing, closed questions are not the same as a banned question or something, almost all closures can be reversed as long as the problems of the question are solved, I recommend you read:

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    And as I said in the first comment, the main site is not to discuss your doubts of understanding how to use the site, this should be done in META (, but what you are questioning already has explanation. Just to state the decrease of votes to close was to "expedite" closure of questions with problems, the same goes for votes to reopen, if the author edit the question and improve the points you need will probably be reopened.

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    ps: blocked comments because here is no place for debates, the previous comments are only guidelines/explanations and no debate, read the past links. Thank you for understanding.

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