Turn igraph.vs into dataframe


Viewed 90 times


After obtaining the list of paths originating from a given vertex (e.g. A) through all_simple_paths:


ligacoes <- data.frame(origem = c("A","A", "B", "B", "D"), 
                       destino=c("B","D","C","D", "E"), 
                       valor=c(31.2, 100, 1, 85, 2))

grafo1 <- graph.edgelist(as.matrix(ligacoes[1:2]))
E(grafo1)$valor <- ligacoes$valor

all_simple_paths(grafo1, V(grafo1)["A"])

needed to record the information on a dataframe, someone can help?

For example, for the evaluation of all existing paths originating at vertex A, the ultimate goal would be to obtain something similar to:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • You can include an example of the format you want for the final data.frame? all_simple_paths and other functions of the type return lists because the paths have different length.

  • Added specified detail, obg

1 answer


The functions *path igraph return a list of connections (edges). Some attributes can be extracted from it, but most importantly, you can use the indexes to index the graph or the data.frame with the data.


ligacoes <- data.frame(
  origem = c("A","A", "B", "B", "D"),
  destino = c("B","D","C","D", "E"),
  valor= c(31.2, 100, 1, 85, 2),
  peso = c(1,1,2,1,2))

grafo1 <- graph_from_data_frame(ligacoes)

# Nós que servem apenas de destino:
finais <- as.character(with(ligacoes, destino[!destino %in% origem]))

# Todos os caminhos que saem de A e terminam nos nós finais:
caminhos <- all_simple_paths(grafo1, from = "A", to = finais, mode = "out")

For example, to have the attribute values valor for the first path connections:

#> [1] "A" "B" "D" "E"

#> [1]  31.2 100.0   1.0   2.0

Being a list, you can do operations for all paths using the family apply:

dados <- data.frame(
  caminho = sapply(caminhos, function(x) paste(names(x), collapse = "-")),
  comprimento = sapply(caminhos, length),
  valor_total = sapply(caminhos, function(x) sum(ligacoes[x, "valor"])),
  valor_ponderado = sapply(caminhos, function(x) sum(ligacoes[x, "valor"]*ligacoes[x, "peso"]))

#>   caminho comprimento valor_total valor_ponderado
#> 1 A-B-D-E           4       134.2           137.2
#> 2   A-B-C           3       216.2           216.2
#> 3   A-D-E           3        34.2            37.2

PS: I didn’t understand based on which account you made the value in the example you posted, so I invented a demo account.

  • With this option I can get the records associated with paths 3,4 and 6. How can I get the other paths cleared (the paths associated with ID 1, 2 and 5)? (paths with origin in A and whose destination is not a vertex obtained in "endings")

  • Check out the help for all_simple_paths: the default is to use all vertices as destination. Just remove to = finais.

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