Division of duplicates into a Subreport - MSSQL/Crystal Reports


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I would like to generate a tax forecasting report for PIS and COFINS, which are calculated based on a CFOP code of banknotes issued in a given period, but I would like to separate this information into "blocks", as I will insert further information later.

I expect the result that way:

|                           CRÉDITO                            |
|  CFOP   |    Descrição   |  Valor Base  |   PIS   |   COFINS |

|                      DÉBITO - Cumulativo                     |
|  CFOP   |    Descrição   |  Valor Base  |   PIS   |   COFINS |

|                    DÉBITO - Não-Cumulativo                   |
|  CFOP   |    Descrição   |  Valor Base  |   PIS   |   COFINS |

I believe that for this I will need to use Subreports in Crystal Reports, but I’m not getting around to thinking about how to organize the groups in the report and the subreports. Remembering that all data will be based on the same period that will be passed as parameter.

The SQL used is basically the same in all reports, only changing the percentage value to tax base depending on the CFOP.

Follow the example SQL which returns the issued NF (which will generate the output "blocks"):

DECLARE @PIS decimal(5,4) = 0.0165;
DECLARE @COFINS decimal(5,4) = 0.076;
DECLARE @PIS_I decimal(5,4) = 0.0065;
DECLARE @COFINS_I decimal(5,4) = 0.03;

    ,'Categoria' = UPPER(CASE
                    WHEN Base = 'A' THEN 'Imune' 
                    WHEN Base = 'B' THEN 'Deferido'
                    WHEN BASE = 'C' THEN 'Tributado'
                    ELSE '' END)
    ,[Valor Base]
    ,'PIS' = CASE 
                WHEN Base = 'A' THEN [Valor Base]*@PIS_I
                ELSE [Valor Base]*@PIS END
    ,'COFINS' = CASE 
                WHEN Base = 'A' THEN [Valor Base]*@COFINS_I
                ELSE [Valor Base]*@COFINS END


    ,'CFOP' = SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(NotasFiscais.cfop1,' ',''),'.',''),1,4)
    ,'Base' = CASE 
                    WHEN SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(NotasFiscais.cfop1,' ',''),'.',''),5,1) = 'P' THEN SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(NotasFiscais.cfop1,' ',''),'.',''),6,1)
                    ELSE SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(NotasFiscais.cfop1,' ',''),'.',''),5,1)
    ,'Natureza' = UPPER((SELECT NatOperacao FROM MT_MAZER.dbo.CFOP CFOP_Desc 
                    WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(CFOP_Desc.CFOP,' ',''),'.','') = REPLACE(REPLACE(CFOP.CFOP,' ',''),'.','') AND 
                        LEN(CFOP_Desc.NatOperacao) = MAX(LEN(CFOP.NatOperacao))))
    ,'Valor Base' = SUM(NotasFiscais.ValorTotalNota)

    INNER JOIN DB.dbo.CFOP ON NotasFiscais.cfop1 = CFOP.CFOP

    CFOP.Fatura = 'S' AND
    CFOP.Devolucao = 'N' AND
    NotasFiscais.CodEmpresa = 1 AND
    NotasFiscais.Situacao = 'N' AND
    NotasFiscais.TipoNota = 'S'

    ,REPLACE(REPLACE(NotasFiscais.cfop1,' ',''),'.','')
    ,NotasFiscais.CodEmpresa) Impostos
  • How do you define the information "Credit/Debit etc" ? If it is possible to be in the same sql just create a group in Crystal.

  • It is possible to do the search in the same SQL yes, but I need to do the search for Subreports because I need to have the main report in the form of Balance Sheet later.

  • I didn’t see the relationship between the facts, sorry. I personally use subs when the database differs for some reason. I have never tried but I believe that even a balance can be made in CR , desdecque well structured.

  • Okay, I believe what I’m trying to do now I can do in a single report, but how would I make a balance sheet like that without using any sub report? More specifically, my doubt is how to make two columns side by side, whether the rows are different for each one.

  • I would balance, a priori , using running Totals on a rel deleting detail to just print a page section (page),

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