Select 2 related and 1 unrelated tables in a query


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I have this query below that returns me data from two related tables. It takes all vehicle fields and all product fields with equal "id_transfer"

 $cmd = "SELECT p.*, v.* FROM produtos AS p
       INNER JOIN veiculos AS v
       ON p.id_veiculo= v.id_veiculo where p.id_transfer = '$id_transfer' AND     
 v.id_transfer = '$id_transfer' AND  nome LIKE '%$pesq%' ORDER by nome limit 

I’m not sure how to insert a 3rd table that doesn’t need to be related.

Would that be:

  todos tabala veiculo
  todos tabela produtos
  com seu id_tranfer iguais
  e selecione 
  todos da tabela agenda_saidas
  com status iguais ativo

  |   id   |     Destino    |    Data       |
  |  01    | Rio de Janeiro | 01/01/2015    |
  |  02    | São Paulo      | 01/01/2015    |
  |   id   |     Veiculo    |    Cor        |
  |  01    |     Palio      |   Preto       |
  |  02    |     GOL        |   Branco      |

  |   x1   |      x2        |    x3         |
  |   xxx  |      xxx       |    xxx        |
  |   xxx  |      xxx       |    xxx        |

   Resultado = Rio de Janeiro 01/01/2015 Palio Preto
   Resultado = São Paulo 01/01/2015 GOL Branco
   Resultado = xxx xxx xxx  
   Resultado = xxx xxx xxx    
   Se é que isso e possível..
  • I’m not in time to test something now, but in mind at the moment you can do an Inner Join of the schedule_output table and a group by (because it will cross nXm).

  • Just like @Luishenrique said, use a Join, "SELECT p.*, v.* FROM produtos AS p INNER JOIN veiculos AS v ON p.id_veiculo= v.id_veiculo where p.id_transfer = '$id_transfer' AND v.id_transfer = '$id_transfer' AND nome LIKE '%$pesq%' JOIN agenda_saidas WHERE status = 'ativo' ORDER by nome limit $inicio,$registros (I didn’t test, but I don’t know if the result will be as expected).

  • What is the list of the table scheduling with the records you want to recover?

  • It didn’t work. erroo Boolean Given in /home/mrangelc/public_html/transfer.php on line 382 Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects Parameter 1 to be Resource, Boolean Given in /home/mrangelc/public_html/files/transfer.php on line 384

2 answers


This query will list all products/vehicles with all schedules

SELECT p.*, v.*, ags.*
FROM produtos AS p
JOIN veiculos AS v ON p.id_veiculo = v.id_veiculo and v.id_transfer = p.id_transfer
JOIN agenda_saidas ags ON ags.status = 'ativo'
where p.id_transfer = '$id_transfer' AND  nome LIKE '%$pesq%' 
ORDER by nome 
limit $inicio,$registros

what seems to me what you want is all products/vehicles + schedule_exits. In that case you need to know exactly which columns you want. They are two different queries, but both need to have the same number of columns.

select * from (
    SELECT p.Destino as nome, p.Data as data, v.Veiculo, v.Cor
    FROM produtos AS p
    JOIN veiculos AS v ON p.id_veiculo = v.id_veiculo and v.id_transfer = p.id_transfer
    where p.id_transfer = '$id_transfer' AND  nome LIKE '%$pesq%' 
    SELECT ags.x1, ags.x2, ags.x3, '' 
    FROM agenda_saidas ags 
    WHERE ags.status = 'ativo'
    ) produtos_veiculos_agenda_saidas
    ORDER by nome 
limit $inicio,$registros    

check the name of the columns, do not know if you posted in the correct name of the tables and columns.

  • Only the relationship between the vehicle table and the product the schedule_output table has no relationship

  • I understood that, I didn’t understand what the end result is. you want to p., v., ags. * (first query)? or p/v + ags( second query)?

  • I want to p., v. in the first query and ags* in the second.

  • so that’s what was posted, I posted two query, the second is what you want, but they need to have the same number of columns, if it’s different you do in php two different queries

  • more columns need to be equal or just have to have the same number?

  • only the same number of columns, as you can see in the second internal query of the second query. It has an empty column only to have the same number

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You can join in the table agenda_saidas without specifying junction condition, since the table has no relation.

But this will cause a crossing n x m (all lines with all lines), ie, will duplicate the results of vehicles and products for each instance that exists in the table agenda_saidas.

You can fix it by making a group by per vehicle.

SELECT Veiculo.*, Produto.*, agenda_saidas.* FROM Veiculo
INNER JOIN Produto ON Produto.veiculo_id =
INNER JOIN agenda_saidas
WHERE Veiculo.transfer_id = 1 AND Produto.transfer_id = 1

See working on SQL Fiddle.

I don’t know if this is exactly what you want. If you need anything else, I suggest an issue in your question.

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