Will using only 1 endpoint overload my API?


Viewed 14 times


If I only use 1 endpoint to make all requests in my API.

Using switch case to separate the functions.

Whereas my API is accessed in a matter of approximately 1000x to 2000x per minute.

The fact that you are only using 1 endpoint would overload my API, making it unstable ?

  • I can’t see a single reason in the world to do that... Overloading won’t, but depending on what you do will make the code complex and difficult to maintain, the question is, what is the reason for doing so?

1 answer


The short answer: yes.

Sure don’t go that way.

Try something more elaborate to create your endpoints like using the HTTP REST verbs.

  • 1

    Why? What will be the difference between the server processing 1000x a single endpoint or N endpoints? And using HTTP verbs would not imply being the same endpoint, with distinct verbs?

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