I am trying to reproduce the graphic "1" below for the model "2", however I am not having success in my command used.
The idea is to separate into different Plots for a better visualization (geom_line + geom_point
upper part and geom_col
Follows the command and figures exemplifying the models.
dt <- data.frame(periodo = c ("junho", "julho", "agosto"), peso = c(1, 5, 4, 3, 4, 3),
atr = c(0.95, 0.5, 0.7, 0.75, 0.6, 0.8))
dt$grupo <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = nrow(dt)/2)
dt$periodo <- factor(dt$periodo, levels = c("junho", "julho", "agosto"))
dtF <- rbind(
data.frame(when=dt$periodo, num=dt$peso, what="Peso"),
data.frame(when=periodo, num=dt$atr, what="ATR"))
secondFacet <- FALSE +
ggplot(data = dtF, mapping = aes(peso, atr, fill = grupo))+
geom_col(position = "dodge")
facet_grid(what~., scale = "free") +
geom_bar(data=dtF[dtF$what=="Peso",], stat = "identity", fill = "grey") +
geom_line(data=dtF[dtF$what=="ATR",], size = 2, color = "blue") +
scale_y_continuous(name = NULL, labels = function(b) {
if(!secondFacet) {secondFacet <<- TRUE
return(paste0(round(b * 100, 0), "%"))}else{return(b)}}) +
scale_x_date(name = "Day", labels = NULL)
Carlos in this case the symbol of the graph of points and lines can also be included in this single legend ?
– patrick cesar
No. The option is
assumes that both are equal and theggarrange
extracts and uses that of the first graph. There are ways to do this, but not simply with ggpubr. As I commented in the reply, it is friendly but not flexible.– Carlos Eduardo Lagosta