How do I pass a parameter to an external function from within the STYLED-COMPONENTS using Reactjs with Typescript?


Viewed 23 times


PS. The idea here is not to use the parameter directly in Styled: opacity: ${(props) => props.myArr[0].myOpacity)} . The idea would be:

  1. Pass a parameter (myArray) of any component for a Styled-Components:
<Wrap myArr={myArr}> ... <Wrap/>
  1. Receive this parameter within a Styled:
export const Wrap = styled.div<{myArr: Object[]}>`
   ${ myFunc(props.myArr) } //<<< aqui minha dúvida
  1. Send this parameter to a function within the same file.
Function myFunc(myArr: Object[]) {

1 answer


You would do so...

import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';

function myFunc(arr: Object[]) {
  return css`

export const Wrap = styled.View<{ myArr: Object[] }>`
  ${({ myArr }) => myFunc(myArr)}

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