Android Api for PDF file creation


Viewed 274 times


What are the free file creation api available pdf in Android?

  • I may be wrong, but it seems to me opinion-based

1 answer


You can use the package classes which are available from the API LEVEL 19 (Android 4.4).

Example taken from the documentation:

 // cria um novo documento
 PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();

 // cria a descrição da página
 PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo.Builder(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), 1).create();

 // inicia a página
 Page page = document.startPage(pageInfo);

 // desenha alguma coisa na página
 View content = getContentView();

 // finaliza a página
 . . .
 // você pode adicionar mais páginas ...
 . . .
 // escreve o conteúdo do documento

 // fecha o documento

If you need to support previous versions of Android, a free option is the library Android PDF Writer

  • I can’t download the library

  • @Ludger If you’re talking about Android PDF Writer, open this link and click "Download snapshot"

  • Have some tutorial on how to use the library?

  • @Ludger you can see the documentation at this link

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