The intention is to run the first five [5] Carnidais numbers in sequence by displaying five-in-five, but the previous ones should be deleted and then run another five [10] (from 6 to 10) until reaching a certain limit imposed within the function, that is, it will be determined to what extent these numerals will be applied by the 'increment' and 'de-create' buttons. This is how I’ve been trying:
var spn = document.getElementsByTagName('span');
function mostrarGrupo() {
// Limitar o número de números a serem exibidos
var inicio = 5;
// Correr elementos span afim de quantificar
for (var i = 0; i < spn.length; i++) {
spn[i].innerHTML += inicio + 1;
function esconderGrupo() {
// Limitar o número de números a serem exibidos
var inicio = 5;
// Correr elementos span afim de quantificar
for (var i = 0; i < spn.length; i--) {
spn[i].innerHTML += inicio + 1;
<button id="menos" onclick="esconderGrupo">-</button>
<button id="mais" onclick="mostrarGrupo">+</button>
At the moment I am thinking of other solutions for this purpose. However, I would like to hear or see what you suggest to me?
Aside from the already mentioned typo (missing parentheses when calling functions), I think that
are not good names, because nothing is actually being hidden, and the information is always shown (I thinkincrementarGrupo
would be better, because that is what is being done). Suggestion: https://jsfiddle.net/ez7L6b8c/1– hkotsubo