Which mode is it possible to add 5 out of 5 numbers and display by removing the previous ones each click on the increment/decrement button?


Viewed 47 times


The intention is to run the first five [5] Carnidais numbers in sequence by displaying five-in-five, but the previous ones should be deleted and then run another five [10] (from 6 to 10) until reaching a certain limit imposed within the function, that is, it will be determined to what extent these numerals will be applied by the 'increment' and 'de-create' buttons. This is how I’ve been trying:

var spn = document.getElementsByTagName('span');

function mostrarGrupo() {
  // Limitar o número de números a serem exibidos
  var inicio = 5;
  // Correr elementos span afim de quantificar
  for (var i = 0; i < spn.length; i++) {
    spn[i].innerHTML += inicio + 1;

function esconderGrupo() {
  // Limitar o número de números a serem exibidos
  var inicio = 5;
  // Correr elementos span afim de quantificar
  for (var i = 0; i < spn.length; i--) {
    spn[i].innerHTML += inicio + 1;

  <button id="menos" onclick="esconderGrupo">-</button>


  <button id="mais" onclick="mostrarGrupo">+</button>



inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

At the moment I am thinking of other solutions for this purpose. However, I would like to hear or see what you suggest to me?

  • 1

    Aside from the already mentioned typo (missing parentheses when calling functions), I think that esconderGrupo and mostrarGrupo are not good names, because nothing is actually being hidden, and the information is always shown (I think incrementarGrupo and decrementarGrupo would be better, because that is what is being done). Suggestion: https://jsfiddle.net/ez7L6b8c/1

1 answer


There are some errors in your current code:

  • In the attribute onclick of the buttons, you are not calling the function.

  • By adding up the value inicio + 1 (of the numeric type) to the variable spn[i].innerHTML (string type), you are actually performing a string concatenation.

  • In the function loop esconderGrupo, when using i-- as an updater, you will create an infinite loop.

You can do something like this:

var spn = document.getElementsByTagName('span');

function mostrarGrupo() {
  var inicio = 5;
  for (var i = 0; i < spn.length; i++) {
    // Converte o valor do `span` para inteiro
    const valor = parseInt(spn[i].innerHTML);
    // Define o valor do `span` como a soma dos valores
    spn[i].innerHTML = valor + inicio;

function esconderGrupo() {
  var inicio = 5;
  for (var i = 0; i < spn.length; i++) {
      // Converte o valor do `span` para inteiro
      const valor = parseInt(spn[i].innerHTML);
      // Opcional: Evite que o usuário vá para números negativos
      if (i == 0 && (valor - inicio) < 0) return;

      // Define o valor do `span` como a subtração dos valores
      spn[i].innerHTML = valor - inicio;

  <button id="menos" onclick="esconderGrupo()">-</button>


  <button id="mais" onclick="mostrarGrupo()">+</button>


  • 1

    Hello Enzo, I’m doing analysis you pointed out. And seeing the correction in your response. Thank you for your contribution and time spent in helping me,

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