How to format output numbers using Pandas package?


Viewed 16 times


I’m new to Python.

Using "formatters" and Pandas package, how to format the output of a decimal number to the Brazilian standard ?

I did that and it worked, but if there’s any simpler way... {Vendas_media.to_html(formatters={'Average Values': 'R${:-.2f}'.format}). replace('.',','). replace('-','.')}

But for me it got weird these two Places followed, that in theory can be used infinitely? And I also noticed that only replace makes the process of interpreting code much slower (the base table is huge with more than 100,000 lines).

I also wanted to format an entire number to add only the thousands separator, and only got so. {Stock.to_html(formatters={'Quantity': '{:,.0f}'.format}). replace(',','.')}

I read that there are some packages that support the Brazilian monetary standard, but I wanted some suggestion besides the package locale because if in the code above I used '{:.,0f}'. format} would make a mistake in interpreting.

Where is the reference material of formatters?

Thank you very much for your attention.

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