I want to implement an android app from my online site, make a webview, however when trying to pass the link from my site to iframe from Appe try to show the content of the site in the refused connection app. Follow the code I’m using :
<!-- this is will hold the split pane -->
<iframe src="https://terra.com.br" class="iframe" scrolling="yes"></iframe>
terra.com.br is just an example of how my site is getting. by entering the problem element in Refused to display 'https://www.terra.com.br/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'. How can I allow on my site and where I change so that my app can display my site ? Any option to disable this X-Frame option is valid.
Can not, that blocking is the land site and not your app. This is a security feature. It even has how to intercept the HTTP requests, but for iOS would be one way and for Android another, would have to write, maybe have some plugin Cordova, but I do not know a plugin like this, anyway recommend changing the approach to "Inappbrowser"
– Guilherme Nascimento