Upload React-Native image with Xios and Multer, backend with nodejs


Viewed 86 times


I need to upload an image pro backend and save it, but the api function does nothing

Function calling the Axios

  const teste = () =>{



  {picture: picture}, // se botar apenas "picture" aki sem os {} não consegue chamar a api(da 
  //network error)
    headers: {
    "Content-Type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${picture._boundary}`,
  ).then((response)=> {


Taking the picture with the expo-image-picker

 async function imagePickerCall() {
if (Constants.platform.ios) {
  const { status } = await 

  if (status !== "granted") {
    alert("Nós precisamos dessa permissão.");
const data = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
  mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.Images,
  aspect: [4, 3],
  quality: 1,
if (data.cancelled) {

if (!data.uri) {

setPicturePreview(data.uri) // colocando a foto selecionada numa 
variável pra mostrar na tela atual

const newUpload = new FormData(); //adicionando informações da imagem em 
//um formData

newUpload.append("picture", data);


in the console.log(picture) returns the object of the image I picked up with the image Picker and if I use this 'Uri' to show the image in the current page works normal

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In the backend

const upload = multer({ dest: 'img/'}) // é pra salvar a imagem numa pasta que esta no mesmo 
//nivel do codigo

app.post("/api/addPostagem",upload.single("picture"), (req, res) =>{
console.log(req.picture+'1') // retorna undefined
console.log(req.file+'2') // retorna undefined

res.send('123') // o front end recebe isso, porem a imagem n é salva

in the backend also I tried to use multer like this, but the same result:

const Storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination(req, file, callback) {
  callback(null, 'img/')
filename(req, file, callback) {
  callback(null, file.originalname + Date.now());
 const upload = multer({ 
  storage: Storage,
  limits:  2 * 1024 * 1024
app.post("/api/addPostagem",upload.single("picture"), (req, res) =>{
console.log(req.picture+'1') // retorna undefined
console.log(req.file+'2') // retorna undefined

res.send('123') // o front end recebe isso, porem a imagem n é salva
  • How is the object picture? He is a FormData?

  • Yeah, he’s that print there

  • Okay, but how did you mount this FormData? how is the append(...)

  • edited the post by putting the use of imagePicker/ as I did the picture

1 answer


I was able to solve, as I understood, pro multer recognize the image, has q have in formData 3 characteristics, name, type and Uri, as Piker q to using n provides the name and type, I create one when I create the formData

Creating the formData

setPicturePreview(data.uri) // 
let typeImg = (data.uri).slice(-3); // pegando as 3 ultimas letra pra pegar o tipo

const newUpload = new FormData(); //adicionando informações da imagem em um 
  name: 'postagemPicture',
  type: 'image/'+typeImg,
  uri: data.uri

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