What is the best way to select a text and how to store it in a variable?


Viewed 89 times


I need to copy a text and I’m using the autopygui. I would like to know how best to select the text and how to store this information in a variable?

The solution I have found so far for the first problem was to tighten the shift and click on the end point of the text. For the second, I am still learning.

Follows the code.

import pyautogui

  • See the hotkey. Something like: pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c') to copy and pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') to glue.

  • As it has not been said where you are trying to get the text from, I will give a safer suggestion if it is web page. Make the Web Scraping, is a healthier and safer way for your application. If you can give us more information, I can try to help otherwise.

2 answers


If that text is in a kind of textbox, where the cursor looks like the Roman number 1, you can click in this area and use the CTRL+A (select all), then copy with the CTRL+C.


Good how you can already copy the text, da para usar a biblioteca clipboard along with the PyAutoGui to perform the function.

Can be used like this:

import clipboard
import pyautogui

pyautogui.doubleClick(x, y) # ou na sua solução pressionar shift e clicar
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c')
texto = clipboard.paste()
clipboard.copy("") # caso queira deixar vazia após settar a variavel.

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