How to consume API in Vue to condition a route


Viewed 19 times


I have the following code, I need the const 'exist' to receive information from an api object, I am trying to use Axios but without success.

const existe = informação da api;
export default [
    path: 'clientes/',
    name: 'cadastrar',
    component: () => {
      if (!existe) {
        return import(/* webpackChunkName: "Inicio" */ '@/view/clientes/Cadastrar.vue');
      } else {
        return import(/* webpackChunkName: "Inicio" */ '@/view/clientes/ClienteInfo.vue');

1 answer


turns its function into asynchronous, and waits for its return for example:

        path: 'clientes/',
        name: 'cadastrar',
        component: await async () => {
    const existe = informação da api;
          if (!existe) {
            return import(/* webpackChunkName: "Inicio" */ '@/view/clientes/Cadastrar.vue');
          } else {
            return import(/* webpackChunkName: "Inicio" */ '@/view/clientes/ClienteInfo.vue');

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