Problems resizing a rectangle [GML]


Viewed 4 times


I’m trying to solve a problem, create a rectangle and create 4 points for 4 directions. And by clicking and dragging increase the size of it, I even made a code but it’s not perfect.

// Create Event

rect = { 
    X: 256,
    Y: 256,
    W: 256,
    H: 128

mx = 0;
my = 0;

offsetx = 0;
offsety = 0;

pointScale = [];

Up_Arrow = false;
Dn_Arrow = false;
L_Arrow = false;
R_Arrow = false;

dragging = false;

#define step
// step event code

#define draw
// draw event code

if mouse_check_button_released(mb_left) && (dragging) {
    dragging = false;
    Up_Arrow = false;
    Dn_Arrow = false;
    L_Arrow  = false;
    R_Arrow  = false;


draw_rectangle(rect.X,rect.Y,rect.X + rect.W,rect.Y + rect.H, true)

pointScale[0] = {X : (rect.X + rect.W/2), Y : rect.Y - 32}
pointScale[1] = {X : (rect.X + rect.W/2), Y : rect.Y + rect.H + 32}
pointScale[2] = {X : rect.X - 32, Y : (rect.Y + rect.H/2)}
pointScale[3] = {X : rect.X + rect.W + 32, Y : (rect.Y + rect.H/2)}

for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

    if point_in_circle(mouse_x,mouse_y,pointScale[i].X,pointScale[i].Y,8) && mouse_check_button(mb_left) { 
        dragging = true;

var oldy = rect.Y + rect.H;
var oldh = rect.Y;
var oldx = rect.X + rect.W;
var oldw = rect.X;

 if (Up_Arrow) {
    rect.Y = my
    rect.H = oldy - my
else if (Dn_Arrow) {
    rect.H = my - oldh
else if (L_Arrow) {
    rect.X = mx
    rect.W = oldx - mx
else if (R_Arrow) {
    rect.W = mx - oldw

mx = mouse_x;
my = mouse_y;

if (dragging) {

 if point_in_circle(mouse_x,mouse_y,pointScale[0].X,pointScale[0].Y,8)          Up_Arrow = true     // UP
 if point_in_circle(mouse_x,mouse_y,pointScale[1].X,pointScale[1].Y,8)          Dn_Arrow = true     // DOWN
 if point_in_circle(mouse_x,mouse_y,pointScale[2].X,pointScale[2].Y,8)          L_Arrow  = true     // LEFT
 if point_in_circle(mouse_x,mouse_y,pointScale[3].X,pointScale[3].Y,8)          R_Arrow  = true     // RIGHT


I was using the to test the code...

The code until it works but not in the way I wanted. Because by clicking on certain directions without dragging the rectangle already increases in size.

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