How to pass the value of a client variable to a Node.JS server?


Viewed 14 times


I am developing an application that will need to replace an XML via FS, and all the contents of that XML is stored in a variable that is created by JS in the client after pressing a button. I need to get the value of this variable from within the Node.JS server, to use as a parameter for the function writeFile() from FS. How do I do this?

Client JS:

 let xml=(`
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Titulo>Hello World</Titulo>

Server JS:

const server = http.createServer((request,response)=>{
  if(err) return console.log(err);

I have tried using import and export, but got errors that variable cannot be accessed after startup. I tried to play the function of generating XML inside the Server.JS file and calling it in HTML being activated by onclick="" button, but still no value is accessed by the server, and if I put the function inside the server it is as if it simply did not exist.

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