Specific join between tables


Viewed 92 times


I have two tables


id razao_social
1 company_1
2 company_2

and tasks

id id_client tasks competency
1 1 '101' '032021'
2 1 '102' '032021'
3 2 '101' '032021'

When I make one join between these tables, I get a correct result, but it’s NOT what I’m looking for:

select c.razao_social , s.tarefas , s.competencia 
from clientes c
join tarefas s on c.id = s.id_cliente
 where s.competencia = '032021'
 order by s.id_cliente;

Result obtained:

razao_social tasks competency
company_1 '101' '032021'
company_1 '102' '032021'
company_2 '101' '032021'

Result I would like to get:

razao_social tasks competency
company_1 '101' '032021'
company_1 '102' '032021'
company_2 '101' '032021'
company_2 null or empty '032021'

(or anything else indicating that the task '102' was not made for company_2)

Is there a query that helps me generate this table result? I can (and am) using the programming language to correct this "missing line", but I wanted to know if there is another way, at query level SQL.

Tested: apply left join or right join were insufficient to do what I want.

1 answer


You can use nested consultations, following the next two steps:
First: A consultation should be made that results in a preliminary set that I will call groundwork of the desired information;
According to: Left Join with the tables that were used to build the base.

First step - Get base table:

select distinct id_cliente, t2.tarefa, t.competencia  from tarefas t, 
    (select distinct tarefas as tarefa, competencia  from tarefas) t2
      where t.competencia = t2.competencia 
        and t.competencia = '032021'  
      order by id_cliente, t2.tarefa   

Upshot - Base table:

id_client task competency
1 101 032021
1 102 032021
2 101 032021
2 102 032021

This way we get all customers combined with all tasks and the field competencia.

Second step: Using the base table with Left Join:
Having obtained the base table of the combinations, now just do the Left Join, let’s see:

select c.razao_social, t3.tarefas, base.competencia from ( 
    select distinct id_cliente, t2.tarefa, t.competencia  from tarefas t, 
        (select distinct tarefas as tarefa, competencia  from tarefas) t2
     where t.competencia = t2.competencia 
       and t.competencia = '032021'  
     order by id_cliente, t2.tarefa 
) base left join clientes c on base.id_cliente = c.id 
       left join tarefas t3 on base.id_cliente = t3.id_cliente 
                           and base.tarefa = t3.tarefas 
                           and base.competencia = t3.competencia  

Result obtained:

razao_social tasks competency
company_1 101 032021
company_1 102 032021
company_2 101 032021
company_2 [NULL] 032021

This way it is possible to obtain the desired result.

  • 4

    I just saw your little post on the meta about negatives. I don’t have much to elaborate now (nor would it be here in the reply), but a suggestion would be to avoid posts whose response is specific to the author, this is not the purpose of the site. Both questions and answers that escape from collective repository of knowledge, tend to have a less favorable reception than canonical questions and answers (the question here is even better than average, but it is probably duplicate, important to verify. My comment is not restricted to this question here).

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