When creating a new pair in a dictionary lose the previous data?


Viewed 32 times


I’m creating a Dict from scratch, but when I add some new pair, the old pair gets lost. If I try to print 'name' for example, it gives error.

cidade = {
    'nome': 'São Paulo',
    'estado': 'São Paulo'

cidade = {'país': 'Brasil'}    

Take the penultimate comment print() that you will see the mistake happening.

1 answer


You are not creating a new key and value pair, you are creating a new dictionary and saving in it variable, so its previous value is lost, since it cannot store two different values in the same variable.

If you want to add a new element you should create it through the standard dictionary syntax saying that you have a key that did not exist before and storing a value in the key and not in the dictionary. The key is like a different variable, that is, the dictionary is an object full of variables.

Another way is to use a method that the dictionary object has by default and it changes the object for you. Documentation.

cidade = {
    'nome': 'São Paulo',
    'estado': 'São Paulo'
cidade['país'] = 'Brasil'
cidade.update({'cep': '01000'})

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

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