How to add items to a list of products coming from an React api


Viewed 37 times


I have a system that I need to search for a product in an api by name, every time I click add I need to pick up the return of the api and include this product a list calculating the total value and quantity.

As described below, I started useState with the empty object properties, I need to change the quantity and total each time the user adds a new unit, the api returns me the name and unit price, the quantity of products is inserted before adding to the list.

export default function ProductList(){
    const [product, setProduct] = useState('');

    const [item, setItemList] = 
         'produto': '',
         'preco': '',
         'quantidade': 0,
         'total': 0


function handleAddProduct(event) {

    async function getProducts() {
        let response = await api.get(`product/${product}`);
        let { produto, preco } =[0];
        var qte = 1;

                'produto': produto,
                'preco': preco,
                'quantidade': qte++,
                'total':  preco * qtde     


return (
     <div className={style.contentLeft}>
             <form action="" onSubmit='' method="get">
                <div className={style.formGroup}>
                    <label htmlFor="">Buscar nome do produto </label>
                    <input type="text" name="product"  onChange={e => setProduct(}  style={{ width: '400px'}} placeholder="Digite aqui o que procura"/>

                <div className={style.formGroup}>
                  <label htmlFor="">Quantidade de itens</label>
                  <input type="number" name="itens" min="1" onChange={e => setProductQuantity(}  placeholder="Quantidade de itens"  />

                <div className={style.formGroup}>
                   <button type="submit" name="adicionar" onClick={handleAddProduct}>Adicionar</button>

                            <th>Preço unitário</th>
                         { => {
                            return (
                                <td> Livro </td>
                                <td> 2 </td>
                                <td>R$ 29,90</td>
                                <td>R$ 59,80</td>
                                <td><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></td>

         </div> )

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • setItemList([ ...item, { /* novo item */ ]), that’s it?

  • That would be so, but when adding the same item I need only change the amount and the total, I did so only that each time I add it to the list it generates a new value for the same item.

  • But each product has the total and quantity ? How are you using this in each product ?

  • The api only returns me the product name and price, from there I define how many units I want to add in the list, updating the quantity and subtotal if the product already exists in the list.

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