AWS - Pipeline when running deletes folders. How do you change this behavior?


Viewed 11 times


Using an EC2 instance, along with codecommit, codebuilder and codedeploy, I have a folder structure at the root that looks like the following:

  • root
    • api (API codes in PHP)
    • backend (PHP administrative panel codes)
    • frontend (portal code in React)

I have two repositories in codecommit, one for the backend + api and one for the frontend. I have two pipelines, one populating the root and the other populating the frontend.

Problem: When I run the pipeline that populates the root, it erases the frontend. When I run the frontend pipeline, it erases everything from the root, leaving only the frontend folder. Any idea how to fix this?

I tried to configure the appspec.yml of both pipelines with the file_exists_behavior: RETAIN parameter and did not resolve it. Follow my appspec files:


arquivo da raiz


arquivo do frontend

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