How to save PDF file from a embedded page?


Viewed 24 times


I need to download or save the PDF file from a built-in page.

However, when accessing the download page the "#download" selector is not found because it is embedded. This selector is the download button.

Follow the code I’m using

const puppeteer = require ('puppeteer'); //biblioteca puppeteer

async function getdados ()  { 
    const inscricao = '015440380448440' //número da inscrição consultada

    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false }); //abre o browser
    const page = await browser.newPage(); //abre nova aba
    await page.goto(''); //acessa a primeira página
    await page.waitForSelector('body');    //aguarda carregar.              
    await page.waitForSelector('#form1');   //aguarda carregar.                 
    await page.goto('');  //acessa a segunda página
    await page.type('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txt_inscricao', inscricao, {delay: 100}); //clica na barra e digita a inscrição
    await'#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_BtnContinuar'); //clica no botão continuar                     
    page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
        await dialog.accept();
    }); //aceita caixa de alerta se houver
    await page.waitForSelector('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ASPxGrdVwPadrao_cell0_0_chk'); //aguarda carregar a 1º caixa de guia.
    await'#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ASPxGrdVwPadrao_cell0_0_chk')//clica na 1º caixa de guia.
    await'#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_BtnContinuar')//clica em gerar guia

    await page.waitForSelector('body > embed'); //aguarda carregar a página da guia.
    const url = page.url() //captiura a url atual
    console.log(url) // verifica se a url refere-se a url da guia.

    await'body > embed'); //clica no corpo da página

    const download = await page.evaluate(() => {
        const uiElement = document.querySelector('#download');
        return uiElement
      }); //Procura o selector "#download"

    await; //clicka no botão de download.


getdados () 
  • To do the PDF saving action would a library be required for PDF manipulation? I say this because trying to use the Ctrl+S command did not work. This command would open the folder to save the file.

1 answer


I’ve had a similar problem. On Chrome, when we open a pdf the robot cannot click on the PDF indicators (download, print etc...). But, when running the robot with the 'headless=true' Puppeteer downloads the pdf when you click the button that opens it in the browser.

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