Function to calculate higher percentage of hires per region in R


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I am trying to make a function that returns the highest percentage (Taxas_in) of hires in a region (Local), and the output would be the sector (Activity) and the respective rate with the highest percentage.
I can extract the highest percentage but I can’t extract the corresponding sector. Follows the code:

setor_maior_percentual_contratacoes_regiao <- function(df, regiao) {
  df_reg <- subset(df, Local == regiao)
  #calcula o vetor de setores da economia
  col_setores <- df_reg$Atividade
  setores <- col_setores[!duplicated(col_setores)]  # gera o vetor sem duplicação de valores

  #inicialmente considera o primeiro setor como o de maior percentual
  maior_taxa_in <- max(df_reg$Taxas_IN)
  setor_maior   <- setores[1]

  for(setor in setores){
    taxa_setor <- df_reg$Taxas_IN
    #verifica se o setor teve o maior percentual de contratações
    if(taxa_setor > maior_taxa_in){
      setor_maior <- df_reg$Atividade
      maior_taxa_in <- taxa_setor
  return(c(setor_maior, maior_taxa_in))

When I apply the function as in:

cat("\n Setor com maior número de contrataões na regiãoSul: 
     \n setor - percentual de contratações \n")
cat(result[1], " -- ", result[2])  

I have as a result 1 -- 7.7 but it should be B -- 7.7, where B is the sector corresponding to 7.7 (highest percentage for the South, in the case of the example)
What am I doing wrong?

  • Welcome to Stackoverflow! Unfortunately, this question cannot be reproduced by anyone trying to answer it. Please take a look at this link (mainly in the use of function dput) and see how to ask a reproducible question in R. So, people who wish to help you will be able to do this in the best possible way.

  • Can you please, edit the question with the departure of dput(df) or, if the base is too large, dput(head(df, 20))? (df is the basis that is passed to the function.)

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