Add value of a variable in a record


Viewed 33 times


I created a bat to add a file content to a record value, but I can’t get the contents of the play variable in the value.

This is my . BAT

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
If exist "MD5arquivo.TXT" del MD5arquivo.TXT
set /a cont=0
for /f "delims= skip=4" %%a in (C:\commerce\MD5-PAF-ECF-LINX.TXT) do (
echo %%a>> MD5arquivo.TXT
set /p var=<MD5arquivo.TXT
set /a cont=!cont!+1
if "!cont!"=="2" goto novo

reg add HKLM\Software\RegisteredApplications /v "MD5-PAF-ECF-LINX.TXT" /d %var%

when playing the contents of the variable %var% in the record is shown the error below


When using the echo command to display the contents of my variable, I realize that its content is what I need, as returned below

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

How can I fix this?

1 answer


I’m sorry, but I think you’ve complicated your logic/code...

It would be nice to add the contents of your file MD5-PAF-ECF-LINX.TXT, just to get a better idea of what you seek to achieve with your bat..

Idependente of the layout/content of your file, try:

@echo off 

cd/d "%~dp0"
for /f usebackq^tokens^=*skip^=5 %%a in (`type "C:\commerce\MD5-PAF-ECF-LINX.TXT"`
    `)do reg add HKLM\Software\RegisteredApplications /v "MD5-PAF-ECF-LINX.TXT" /t REG_DWORD d "%%~a" /f & goto :novo

  • Remarks:

skip^=4 will skip 4 lines, remove counter and use Skip^=5 or 6 if applicable
if "String" == "String" use quotes and "==" is for character strings in your comparison
if Números equ 9999999 use equ/lss/leq/gtr/geq/etc... in numerical comparisons
%var% direct use of the variable in loop %%~a, do not need/delete/write/read/set any file
/t REG_DWORD ... /f consider informing the type of entry and suppressing confirmations

  • Thanks for the reply, the contents of my archive are this: ; Slavasoft Optimizing Checksum Utility - fsum 2.52.00337 <> ; Generated on 06/22/21 at 16:49:36 d6bd331a7ae1570912bc45228580fc6f *EXECUTABLES-LINX.TXT This logic is assembled to take the data of the last line, which is the data I need to play in my record, this file is constantly modified, but the result always comes in the last line, so use that way. I’ll try using your method.

  • @Daniel Edit your question and add row by row to your file

  • If you have the file, pq do not use certuil.exe (already has Windows) and grab the hash direct. No additional text file...

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