Json-server api does not render images


Viewed 15 times


Good morning, I created an Ecommerce api with json-server and when I do the rendering component on the screen, the api images does not work, my project is divided into two folders, api and web, the images folder is inside api

    {game.map((games) => (
        <span> {games.name} </span>
        <img src={games.image} alt="gamesphoto" /> <br />
        <span> R${games.price} </span>
        <button>Adicionar ao Carrinho</button>

Above is the code I’m using to render the rest of the api data

  • Hi, can you get me more information? Like the method you are using to save your images to JSON Server, what value you expect it to have on 'games.image', etc.

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