dropbox_client Authorize with token does not work on IOS


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Hello, I have an application developed in flutter that use Dropbox to upload images, I access Dropbox by dropbox_client https://pub.dev/packages/dropbox_client and upload images. However, on IOS it doesn’t work if I don’t log in to my Dropbox account, on Android it works normally. If I log in with my account the app will work, but that’s not what I need.

The plugin’s Github has already opened a similar question but has not yet been answered. https://github.com/mix1009/FlutterDropbox/issues/9

If anyone knows and can help me how I can do it at IOS I appreciate it. Looks like Authorizewithtoken isn’t working or I’m doing something wrong.

He stops when it’s time to upload Ios

final result = await Dropbox.upload(
'/SOFTWARDEV/Diario Obra/' +
    element.codObra.toString() +
    '/' +
    element.codDiario.toString() +
    (uploaded, total) {});

If I log in to Dropbox works, but this is not what I need. I need it to be similar to how it works on android.

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