Bring ENADE - R microdata specific columns


Viewed 5 times


Good afternoon,

I’m trying to bring up some columns of data from a microdata file from ENADE.

microdata_enade <- read.table("C:/MICRODADOS_ENADE_2017.txt",header = TRUE, Sep=";", Dec = "." , colClasses=c(DS_VT_ACE_OFG="Character"))

enade_final <- microdata_enade %>% as.Tibble()

filter(CO_GRUPO == 5814) select(NU_ANO, CO_IES, TP_INSCRICAO, CO_CURSO)

but the answer is: Error in filter(CO_GRUPO == 5814) : CO_GRUPO object not found

I’m a layperson, I’m groping on the platform. You can help me?

  • could you format the code for a better view? Here they use markdown.

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