What is the best way to synchronize these C threads?


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Considering the following code, what is the best way to synchronize the threads that add the vectors with the threads that populate the vectors ? I have tried several ways, such as mutex and/or pthread_cond_init, but none of them worked or had a good result. This code is for a college job, who is interested and get more information from them, readme.MD is available on github: https://github.com/Gabrielxdf/Trabalho-de-SO

Follows the code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <time.h>

//declaração das variáveis globais
float *x;
float *y;
float *z;
pthread_mutex_t *mutexes;
pthread_cond_t pode_somar = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; // sinalizado quando z puder somar o x e o y

typedef struct
    float* vetor;
    unsigned int posInicial;
    unsigned int posFinal;
    unsigned int contMutexThread;

typedef struct
    float* x;
    float* y;
    float* z;
    unsigned int posInicial;
    unsigned int posFinal;
    unsigned int contMutexThread;

void *preencheVetores(void *argPtr){
    Thread_preenche *thread_t = (Thread_preenche*)argPtr;
    unsigned int inicio = thread_t->posInicial;
    unsigned int final = thread_t->posFinal;
    for(;inicio <= final; inicio++){
        thread_t->vetor[inicio] = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX/1.0);
        //printf("x[%u] e o valor é: %f \n", inicio, x[inicio]);

void *somaVetores(void* argPtr){
    Thread_soma *thread_z = (Thread_soma*)argPtr;
    unsigned int inicio = thread_z->posInicial;
    unsigned int final = thread_z->posFinal;
    //pthread_cond_wait(&pode_somar, &mutexes[thread_z->contMutexThread]);
    for(;inicio <= final; inicio++){
        thread_z->z[inicio] = thread_z->x[inicio] + thread_z->y[inicio];
        //printf("z[%u] e o valor é: %f \n", inicio, z[inicio]);

int main() {
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "Portuguese");

    //obtendo o tamanho do vetor e o número de threads que o usuário deseja
    int tamanho_vetor;
    int n;
    while (1){
    printf("Digite o tamanho do vetor: ");
    scanf("%d", &tamanho_vetor);
    printf("Digite o número de threads: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    if (tamanho_vetor % n != 0){
        printf("O número de threads deve ser múltiplo do tamanho do vetor. \n");

    //inicialização dos vetores e variáveis
    x =(float*) malloc(sizeof(float)*tamanho_vetor);
    y =(float*) malloc(sizeof(float)*tamanho_vetor);
    z =(float*) malloc(sizeof(float)*tamanho_vetor);
    mutexes = (pthread_mutex_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)*n);
    int divisao = tamanho_vetor / n;
    clock_t inicio = clock();
    pthread_t thread_x[n];
    pthread_t thread_y[n];
    pthread_t thread_z[n];
    Thread_preenche thread_preenche_x[n];
    Thread_preenche thread_preenche_y[n];
    Thread_soma thread_soma_z[n];

    //inicialização das threads e mutexes.
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
        int posInicial = i*divisao;
        int posFinal = i*divisao+divisao-1;
        //para o x
        thread_preenche_x[i].vetor = &x[0];
        thread_preenche_x[i].posInicial = posInicial;
        thread_preenche_x[i].posFinal = posFinal;
        thread_preenche_x[i].contMutexThread = i;

        //para o y
        thread_preenche_y[i].vetor = &y[0];
        thread_preenche_y[i].posInicial = posInicial;
        thread_preenche_y[i].posFinal = posFinal;
        thread_preenche_y[i].contMutexThread = i;

        //para o z
        thread_soma_z[i].x = &x[0];
        thread_soma_z[i].y = &y[0];
        thread_soma_z[i].z = &z[0];
        thread_soma_z[i].posInicial = posInicial;
        thread_soma_z[i].posFinal = posFinal;
        thread_soma_z[i].contMutexThread = i;

        printf("A thread %u processará os elementos dos vetores nas posições de %u a %u \n", i,
        posInicial, posFinal);

        pthread_create(&thread_x[i], NULL, preencheVetores, &(thread_preenche_x[i]));
        pthread_create(&thread_y[i], NULL, preencheVetores, &(thread_preenche_y[i]));
        pthread_create(&thread_z[i], NULL, somaVetores, &(thread_soma_z[i]));

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        pthread_join(thread_x[i], NULL);
        pthread_join(thread_y[i], NULL);
        pthread_join(thread_z[i], NULL);
    clock_t fim = clock();
    float tempo_gasto = (float)(fim - inicio) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    //impressão dos resultados.
    for (int i = 0; i < tamanho_vetor; i++){
    printf("[%u]    x = %f    y = %f    z = %f \n", i, x[i], y[i], z[i]);
    printf("Tempo de execução: %f segundo(s). \n", tempo_gasto);


    #ifdef _WIN32
    #else __linux__
        system("read -p 'Press Enter to continue...\n' key");
   return 0;

Remembering that basically, I just want to synchronize my thread that populates the vector z = x + y, with the threads that populate the vectors x and y with random values.

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