How to change the name in the android app package?


Viewed 15,733 times


The current name of my package is com.newapp.nomedopacote. Well, in case I want to change it to com.newapp.novopacote, without damage to the application. I tried to simply make a refactor and it lost the R file.

How can I do?

1 answer


Well, beforehand, I just wanted to tell you that class R is always created after Build. So if you have changed the package of your project, remember to give a clean project and then a build project. Right, now let’s change the package of your project.

Change package in app/build.Gradle

defaultConfig {
        applicationId "co.mypack.myoldpack"
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 21
        versionCode 1
        versionName "R15.0c"

Change applicationId line for your new package

defaultConfig {
        applicationId "co.mypack.mynewpack"
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 21
        versionCode 1
        versionName "R15.0c"

Change package on Androidmanifest.xml


After changing the line above to package="co.mypack.mynewpack", you will have to create a new package in main/java/. and then pass all your classes (copy and paste) to the new package and finally delete your old package.

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