Adaptable Scrollviewer


Viewed 32 times


I was wondering how I can adapt the Scrollviewer tag to the edges of windows phone, for all screen sizes. When I use it only gets fixed size, when it uses another screen size it does not adapt to the same.

  • you are setting the Height and/or Width attributes to Auto?

  • No, because I have a stackpanel that crosses the boundaries of the windows phone screen, I have to limit Scrollviewer to make it work. So who gets the Auto size is the stackpanel

  • Well, programmatically, take the Height e Width Stackpanel, and assign these values to Height e Width from Scrollview. I hope you solve.

  • But how it will adapt to the screen size?

  • Wow, it really is. Stackpanel will push the boundaries of the screen, so Scroll will also push the boundaries if you use what I said. Unless you programmatically check which 'screen' the application is running.

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