How do I remove a staging area file in git?


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I accidentally added all the files to the staging area of git with the "git add." , how to remove a file from staging area so it is not commited?

1 answer


As mentioned in the message of git status (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage), the command is:

git reset HEAD <file>...

If you want to remove a file:

git reset HEAD caminho/para/o/arquivo

If you want to clean up the whole staging, go to the repository root directory and use the command:

git reset HEAD *
  • 2

    One way to avoid accidents like this in the future is to add the files incrementally with the command git add -p (patch mode). This allows you to add each change individually. (User suggestion @mollusk: Thank you! I preferred to add as a comment rather than include in the reply.)

  • 1

    About how to avoid accidents, I think git add -u is closer to the desired result. Does not add new files and does not ask for confirmation of each modified snippet.

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