How can I correctly use the Ternary Operator in Javascript. I have the following code:
var Requisitar = function(){
url: 'https://steamgaug.es/api/v2', // Acesso direto a API
success: function(resposta){ // <-- variavel resposta vem com todos dados da API
// Steam Loja Comunidade
},5000);//1000=a um segundo, altere conforme o necessario
So When Used in HTML:
li id="dota2-statusapidota" < /li >
The value shown is 1.
How can I use the ternary operator correctly so that this "1" is displayed as "Online"?
JSON Recebido:
"ISteamClient": {
"online": 1
"SteamCommunity": {
"online": 1,
"time": 25,
"error": "No Error"
"SteamStore": {
"online": 1,
"time": 2,
"error": "No Error"
"ISteamUser": {
"online": 1,
"time": 20,
"error": "No Error"
"IEconItems": {
"440": {
"online": 1,
"time": 27,
"error": "No Error"
"570": {
"online": 1,
"time": 27,
"error": "No Error"
"730": {
"online": 1,
"time": 27,
"error": "No Error"
"ISteamGameCoordinator": {
"440": {
"online": 1,
"schema": "http://media.steampowered.com/apps/440/scripts/items/items_game.b7f5e5dded37fbd6494d96690a71e507d28279f7.txt",
"error": "No Error",
"stats": {
"spyScore": "0",
"engiScore": "0"
"570": {
"online": 1,
"error": "No Error",
"stats": {
"players_searching": 20509
"730": {
"online": 1,
"error": "No Error",
"stats": {
"players_searching": 2310,
"players_online": 111128
Highly related: http://answall.com/questions/4907/differtes-formas-de-if-e-else, http://answall.com/questions/10539/o-que-significa-e-dentro-de-uma-express%C3%A3o? lq=1
– bfavaretto