Dawn greater than night


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How do I identify that

01:00:00(AM) é maior que 23:00:00h

Is there a function in php where I set it?


if('2015-02-20 23:00:00' < '2015-02-21 01:00:00'){ //TRUE }
  • 3

    How are you treating it ? in what context it appears ?

  • 1

    in conditions if the first hour 23 is > I do a , action of certain day, but anoite always the first hour will be higher and will perform

  • 4

    It turns out that 01:00:00(AM) nay is greater than 23:00:00h. However, 22/2/2015 01:00:00(AM) is indeed greater than 21/2/2015 23:00:00h. That is, as @Isvaldofernandes said, you still have to explain your context.

  • 1

    Depending on the case, you can simply use the current date + extra hours to determine this.

  • 1

    I just need to set that 23:00:00 is no greater than 1:00:00 at "dawn"

  • Hi Rafael. The problem of "I just need to define" is that as already explained by @Caffé this statement (1 am is larger than 11 pm) will be true or false depending on the day to which each hour refers. Please edit the question and provide more details about how the data is captured and/or maintained, otherwise it’s really difficult for someone to help you figure out what you need.

  • Btw, slightly related question which may also be of some help: http://answall.com/questions/25594/formato-hora-12-vs-24

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1 answer


01:00:00 is not greater than 23:00:00.

However, to identify if 21/02/2015 01:00:00 is greater than 20/02/2015 23:00:00 you can compare the timestamp. For example:

// mktime(hora, minuto, segundo, mes, dia, ano)
$timestamp1 = mktime(1, 0, 0, 2, 21, 2015);
$timestamp2 = mktime(23, 0, 0, 2, 20, 2015);

if ($timestamp1 > $timestamp2) {
    echo date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $timestamp1) . ' é maior que ' . date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $timestamp2);
    // 21/02/2015 01:00:00 é maior que 20/02/2015 23:00:00

I used the function mktime just as an example. You can use any resource that returns the timestamp ( time, strtotime, ... ).

  • Good answer, only add an emphasis on the first line, because this is precisely the problem, "01:00:00 is not greater than 23:00:00" :) +1

  • I just did this check: if('2015-02-20 23:00:00' < '2015-02-21 01:00:00'){ //TRUE } worked out php understood that just add the date, thanks for the tips!

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