Is React able to automatically remove eventListeners from Refs when the component is destroyed?


Viewed 36 times


I have an input from a web components that to receive the value inputado, I must create a Ref for that input and add a eventListener, respectively:

 const nameInputRef = useRef(null)
 const [userName, setUserName] = useState('')

I created a useEffect so that when the component starts, it adds a eventListener in that ref. So I can manage my state change web component for my React component:

  useEffect(() => {
      ({ target: { value } }) => {
  }, [])

My question is: React is able to automatically remove this Eventlistener when the component is destroyed?

1 answer


No. React is not able to determine that you have even created a Event Listener within a useEffect.

In this type of case, what you need to do is use a returned function of the callback of useEffect to remove the Listener you created previously, manually. Like this:

function handleEvent({ target: { value } }) {

useEffect(() => {
  const current = nameInputRef.current;
  if (!current) { // Garante que não tentaremos acessar um valor nulo.
  current.addEventListener('inputChangedValue', handleEvent);
  return () => current.removeEventListener('inputChangedValue', handleEvent);
}, []);

Notice I had to move the callback of the event for a function outside the useEffect. This is necessary because the removeEventListener expects a reference to the function so that you can remove the event.

Refer to documentation to understand how so-called effects with Cleanup.

If it’s something too repetitive, maybe it’s worth creating a hook customized to extract the Boilerplate repetitive to manage the addition and cleaning of Event listeners.

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