How to change colors in graphics using matplotlib


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I created a plot of points using matplotlib, but I want to put the following condition: For points above zero ( > 0) in Y paint green and for points below zero ( < 0) paint red.

plt.plot(df2["Status"], 'o')
plt.ylabel('Eixo Y')
plt.xlabel('Eixo X')

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


First, if you want to plot a dot/scatter chart (scatter Plot), use the function plt.scatter.

In this type of graph, what you need is a sequence indicating the corresponding color of each plotted point. How are you working with a DataFrame, we can create a new column in it with the values "green" and "red" and pass this column with the argument c (of color) of plt.scatter.

To generate this column with colors, we can use the method apply of a column of DataFrame: as we write col.apply(func), the pandas passes each element of the column col by function func, returning a column of the same size. Then just write the logic of the function to return "green" or "red" according to the input value.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Gera um DataFrame com coluna Status (200 valores aleatórios entre -1 e 1)
ys = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 200)
df = pd.DataFrame({"Status": ys})

# Função auxiliar contendo a lógica de como colorir cada ponto
def cor_do_ponto(valor: float) -> str:
    """Retorna a cor de um ponto do gráfico, de acordo com o seu valor."""
    if valor > 0:
        return "green"
        return "red"

# Cria uma nova coluna aplicando a função a cada ponto da coluna Status
df['Color'] = df['Status'].apply(cor_do_ponto)

# Plota o resultado
plt.scatter(df.index, df['Status'], c=df['Color'])
plt.ylabel('Eixo Y')
plt.xlabel('Eixo X')

As the function plt.scatter need explicit values of the X coordinate of each point, passed the index itself of the DataFrame, that by default is an increasing numerical sequence going from zero to zero len(df) - 1.

Ah, a detail: note that, by the logic of our function, if any value is exactly zero your color will be red too.


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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