Doubt about development in firefox/firebug


Viewed 82 times


Normally I work with Chrome for the development of websites, but currently I’m in a client that only uses Firefox and I’m noticing some differences.

I have researched but not found much on the subject, who works the longest with Firefox can help me answer the following questions:

  • In Chrome I can edit javascript and do a runtime rebuild, in Firefox I could not. Is there any way to do?

  • In Chrome breakpoints continue even after you close your browser, this helps a lot between days. In Firefox, when closing the page, the breakpoints disappear. Is there any way to keep them?

  • Some Add-ons tip in Firefox?

  • I have those doubts too. Because from the beginning I use firebug in firefox, by influence, and I ended up creating a resistance in using others for development. But, it turns out that I use the same firebug, only for css changes, and to run some jquery tests on the console.

1 answer


  • In Chrome I can edit javascript and do a runtime rebuild, in Firefox I could not. Is there any way to do?

No. It is only possible for you to execute commands in the console or add small scripts in the URL bar, but nothing else.

The big problem of making Javascript changes is how these changes should be propagated, and therefore the result of a change may not reflect the result of the same if the script had just been served from the server.

  • In Chrome breakpoints continue even after you close your browser, this helps a lot between days. In Firefox, when closing the page, the breakpoints disappear. Is there any way to keep them?

No. Not at all.

  • Some Add-ons tip in Firefox?

Based on opinions, but come on. I believe you’re talking about developer extensions.

Use Firefox Developer Edition. It doesn’t need any extension (so far at least, I haven’t needed).

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