Normally I work with Chrome for the development of websites, but currently I’m in a client that only uses Firefox and I’m noticing some differences.
I have researched but not found much on the subject, who works the longest with Firefox can help me answer the following questions:
In Chrome I can edit javascript and do a runtime rebuild, in Firefox I could not. Is there any way to do?
In Chrome breakpoints continue even after you close your browser, this helps a lot between days. In Firefox, when closing the page, the breakpoints disappear. Is there any way to keep them?
Some Add-ons tip in Firefox?
I have those doubts too. Because from the beginning I use firebug in firefox, by influence, and I ended up creating a resistance in using others for development. But, it turns out that I use the same firebug, only for css changes, and to run some jquery tests on the console.
– Diego Moreno