Regular Expression to validate email provider string - Java


Viewed 35 times


Hello! I’m trying to validate an email provider in Java using regular expression, but I’m not getting a result. I declared the variable for regex as string, but the suggestion is to use Boolean, only Boolean doesn’t meet what I need. I need to validate only the provider name after @. Could anyone help? Thank you so much!

String email = [email protected];
String filter = email.matches("@[a-z0-9]+\\.");
if(filter == "provedor1") {
    System.out.println("Usando o provedor1");  
} else {
    System.out.println("Usando o provedor2");  
  • About using regex to validate emails, there are a few things  here, here, here and here (this last link has some options at the end, just do not recommend the last regex).

1 answer


The important thing is to start with the documentation, in that case the indexOf (java.lang.String) combined with the substring (java.lang.String), use the return of indexOf to validate whether the string came with @


String email = "[email protected]";
int pos = email.indexOf("@");

if (pos != -1) { // Se retornar -1 é um email invalido
    String provedor = email.substring(pos + 1);

} else {
    System.err.println("Email inválido");

Online example:

Or you could use the split (java.lang.String), that internally uses regex, with the limit parameter to prevent that there is more than one @ it divides into unnecessary parts.

Use the

String email = "[email protected]";
String[] data = email.split("@", 2);

if (data.length > 1) { // se for "1" significa será um email invalido
    String provedor = data[1];

} else {
    System.err.println("Email inválido");

Online example:

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