How to style components nestled with Shadow DOM?


Viewed 41 times


I have 2 nested web components that use Shadow DOM. The first, my-component, only render the second component:

<my-another-component part="my-another-component" />

And the second, my-another-component, renders a native element:

<div part="my-div"></div>

How can I style the div from a component that renders the my-component?

The final result of this last component would be something like:

<style>/* ... */</style>

        <my-another-component part="my-another-component">
                <div part="my-div"></div>

I tried to use the pseudo-element ::part nestled, but it didn’t work:

my-component::part(my-another-component)::part(my-div) {
    color: blue;

  class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
      let template = document.getElementById('my-component');

      this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})

  class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
      let template = document.getElementById('my-another-component');

      this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})
  my-component::part(my-another-component) {
    font-weight: bold;
  my-component::part(my-another-component)::part(my-div) {
    color: blue;

<template id="my-component">
  <my-another-component part="my-another-component"></my-another-component>

<template id="my-another-component">
  <div part="my-div">Example</div>

  • Who is alive always appears :D. Guy in this case you have to create the <style> tag in the scope of the web script

  • @hugocsl opa, I haven’t been using much Sopt, I sometimes enter chat and meta. Tu diz dentro do Shadow DOM do my-another-component? It would have a way without injecting code into the other component?

  • Take a look here and see how the style tag goes inside the component web template with an innerHTML this stuff here tb you might be interested in talks about :part and ::Theme

  • @hugocsl the exportparts solves the question, despite the limitations. But there is an error in the link, multiple exports must be separated by "," and not by " ". You can add an answer with this solution

  • I’ll let someone else answer, because I would be talking about something that I do not dominate rss. Actually I only commented here because these days I needed to take a look at web components and saw that the guys injected the css directly making an innerHtml with the style tag. But I’m glad you helped out there

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