Using a domain class as input model is bad?


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my first question here. Well my question is more related to code design.

Let’s say you developed a c# Rest API using . net core and you have in your domain a class called Pessoa and you have a controller who receives a request of the type POST to register a person, in which case you would reuse that same class Pessoa to process the data coming in the request or you would create a classe of the kind PessoaInputModel to be responsible for it there. Example:


public class PessoaController{

private IMeuRepositorio _meuRepositorio;

PessoController(IMeuRepositorio meuRepositorio){
    _meuRepositorio =  meuRepositorio;

public async Task<IActionResult> CadastrarNovaPessoa([FromBody] Pessoa novaPessoa){
    if(await _meuRepositorio.CadastrarPessoaAsync(novaPessoa) is var resultado && resultado.EhFalha)
        return badRequest();
    return Created();            


Dorian class

public class Pessoa{
Pessoa(string nome, string sobrenome, int idade){
    Nome = nome;
    Sobrenome = sobrenome;
    Idade = idade;

public String Nome {get; set;}
public String Sobrenome {get; set;}
public int Idade {get; set;}

public String RecuperarNomeCompleto(){
    return $"{Nome} {Sobrenome}";


Input model class

public class PessoaInputModel {
public String Nome {get; set;}
public String Sobrenome {get; set;}
public int Idade {get; set;}


In the place where I work, some domain classes don’t have behaviors, they only have data but they don’t have any method with some intelligence so it kind of gives me a sense of code duplication that wouldn’t make much sense to have.

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