How to read and print an entire word in C++


Viewed 31 times


Well, I did this little c++ program for college. Now I don’t know how read on terminal and then print, there in the function prints, a whole word!

Until then I was using the library <string> only in this case when I go through that segmentation error. I also tried to use char texto[100], scanf() and printf() in these cases gives no error but also prints nothing.

If you could show how to read the spaces it would also be cool kkk

I leave already my thanks, it was worth the attention ;)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct no {
    int id;
    char codprod;
    double preco;
    int quant;
    struct no* prox;
typedef struct no No;

struct lista {
    No *inicio;
    No *fim;
typedef struct lista Lista;


void inicia(Lista* L){
    L->inicio = L->fim = NULL;

void insere_fim(Lista* L, int _id, char _codprod, double _preco, int _quant){
  No* no;
  no = (No*) malloc(sizeof(No)); 

  no->id = _id;
  no->codprod = _codprod;
  no->preco = _preco;
  no->quant = _quant;

  no->prox = NULL; 
  if(L->inicio == NULL){
    L->inicio = L->fim = no;
    (L->fim)->prox = no;
    L->fim = no;

int remove_fim(Lista *L) {
    No *nofinal, *noanterior;
    int id;                     
    if (L->inicio == NULL)
        return -1;          
    nofinal = L->inicio;
    while (nofinal != L->fim){
        noanterior = nofinal;
        nofinal = nofinal->prox;
    if(L->inicio == L->fim) 
        L->inicio = L->fim = NULL; 
        id = nofinal->id;
        nofinal = NULL;
        noanterior->prox = NULL; 
        L->fim = noanterior;
    return id;

int sup = 0;
void aplica_desc_e_quant_sup(Lista *L, int _desc){
    int count = 0;
    No* no;
    no = L->inicio;
    while(no != NULL){

        no->preco -= (no->preco / 100) * _desc;

        if (no->quant > 500) sup++;

        no = no->prox;

void imprime(Lista *L){
    int count = 0;
    No* no;
    no = L->inicio;
    while(no != NULL){

        cout << endl << "codigo do produto: " << no->codprod;
        cout << endl << "novo valor: " << no->preco << endl;

        no = no->prox;
void apaga(Lista* L){
    int r = 0;
    while (r != -1)
        r = remove_fim(L);


int main() {

  int id, quant, desc;
  char codprod;
  double preco;

    Lista L;
    printf("\t\t--------1. Programa que Cadastra 5 Produtos--------\n\n");

    for (id = 0; id < 5; id++) {

        cout << endl << "----- Produto [" << id << "] -----" << endl;

        cout << endl << "codigo do produto: ";
        cin >> codprod;

        cout << endl << "preco: ";
        cin >> preco;

        cout << endl << "quantidade: ";
        cin >> quant;

        cout << endl << "------------------------------" << endl;
        insere_fim(&L, id, codprod, preco, quant);

    cout << endl << "taxa de desconto: %";
    cin >> desc;

    aplica_desc_e_quant_sup(&L, desc);

    printf("\t\t--------- RELATORIO --------\n\n");


    cout << endl << "Quantidade de produtos com quantidade estocada superior a 500: " << sup << endl;

    return 0;

1 answer


The standard reading form of stdin it’s just with the library <string>:


int main()
    std::string variavel;
    std::cin >> variavel;
    std::cout << "Você digitou: " << variavel << std::endl;

About the problem with passing parameter, I think it makes more sense in a new question.

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