Ion Toggle not saved - Storage (Ionic)


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Hello, I have a simple problem. I have a list of Toggles in my app. I need that when users check or uncheck Toggle, changes are saved after the application is closed. I am using Storagemodule.

I used this code to add Storage:

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage

Then I made the inclusions in my app.module.ts

This is my HTML:

<ion-toggle slot="end" color="secondary" [(ngModel)]="Ativar" (ionChange)="Toggle1()"></ion-toggle>

This is my TS:

import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage-angular';

export class Tab1Page {
 public Ativar : boolean;

 constructor(public alert: AlertController, public navCtrl: NavController, private storage: Storage) { }

 async Toggle1() {
     if(this.Ativar == true){'ativar', true);
     if(this.Ativar == false){'ativar', false);
     }'ativar').then((data) => {
       this.Ativar = data;

I use the app emulator to run the app on my phone:

ionic cordova run android

When I make changes to Toggle and close the app, when I open it, the changes are not saved. I’ve been stuck a long time at this stage. Can anyone help me? I’m lost

1 answer


Friend you are setting the values in Storage, but when opening the application you need to do the get to get the saved result, in case when starting the app.

I saw that you did get in the Toggle1 method, but you should not call this method when starting the app, do separate this get and put it in an Oninit.

  • I did it, but it didn’t work. Can you help me? ngOnInit() {&#xA;'Ativar').then((data) => {&#xA; this.Ativar = data;&#xA; }); &#xA;'Ativar2').then((data) => {&#xA; this.Ativar2 = data;&#xA; }); &#xA;'Ativar3').then((data) => {&#xA; this.Ativar3 = data;&#xA; }); &#xA;'Ativar4').then((data) => {&#xA; this.Ativar4 = data;&#xA; }); &#xA;&#xA; };

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