Error in Javascript. "prompt not set"


Viewed 55 times


I decided to make a project of calculation of average school with conditional, where I can perform the calculation n times, or finish if you wish.

No is running, but VS Code is giving error

undefined prompt

Where would be the mistake?

console.log('####### Média do Aluno 2021! #######')

let dados = true
while (dados = prompt('\nDeseja calcular a média do aluno? (s) para Sim (n) para Não: ')) {
  if (dados === 's') {
    let nome = prompt(`\nQual o nome do aluno? `)
    let n1 = parseFloat(prompt(`\nQual a primeira nota? `))
    let n2 = parseFloat(prompt(`Qual a segunda nota? `))
    let n3 = parseFloat(prompt(`Qual a terceira nota? `))
    let n4 = parseFloat(prompt(`Qual a quarta nota? `))
    let media = (n1 + n2 + n3 + n4) / 4

    console.log(`\nA média do aluno ${nome} é ${media}`)

    if (media >= 7){
      console.log(`\nAluno ${nome} [aprovado!]`)
    else {
      console.log(`\nAluno ${nome} [reprovado!]`)
    else {
     console.log('\n##############################################\n### Obrigado por utilizar o nosso sistema! ###\n##############################################')

  • 1

    window.prompt(....) resolves?

  • I could not. Here was error. :/

  • 1

    prompt with while is not a good idea, should read the value for a variable and use the variable in while

  • Without wanting to abuse, could you give an example? it would be of great help to understand where I’m going wrong. I thank you already.

  • yes @Sirmarcius, can for example do so: while (true) { var dados = prompt(....); if (dados == "N") break; .... resto do código ... }

1 answer


The prompt in reference is a library, if you already have it installed, just import the library into your script, if not, install via NPM. In case it will install, recommend the prompt-sync for convenience, you will not need to change anything in your code since it is called via prompt(). Install it by running the command npm i prompt-sync and import it into your adding script const prompt = require('prompt-sync')(); at the very beginning of it.

When installing the library, make sure it is in the same directory.

Note that after performing the procedure, each character typed in the terminal a line will be added, this happens because of the escape character n, remove it at all prompt() to correct the behavior.

  • I was able to run via terminal. But in VS Code it seems more like something related to permissions. I’ll see if I can fix it. But it’s a breakthrough. Thank you so much for the strength.

  • 1

    Describe the problem cited in VS Code so we can analyze

  • The error in question is "Uncaught Error: ENXIO: no such device or address, open '/dev/tty'" could be because of the directory?

  • Probably try to make the oldest attempt at universal solution: end the VS Code process and open again, check the directory, if the system terminal managed to run, the expected is that in VS Code is also possible.

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