Create an index by searching part of the text only


Viewed 36 times


I would like to create an index by searching only part of the text.

x <- c(4, 1, 6, "ab", 2, 1, "aa")

which(x == "a")

In the vector above, for example, I would like the return to be

[1] 4 7

That is, return all lines that contain the letter "a", regardless of whether you have anything else, line or letters.

  • Welcome to Stackoverflow! Try grep("a", x) and grepl("a", x)

1 answer


As already indicated in the comments, grep and its variants serve for this:

grep("a", x)
#> [1] 4 7

The option value shows the values:

grep("a", x, value = TRUE)
#> [1] "ab" "aa"

Use grepl to return a logical vector. See the help for regular expressions (?regex) if you need more elaborate patterns.

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