Multiple sorting in Datatable with Serverside


Viewed 13 times



I have a table generated with the help of the Plugin Jquery Datatable with the ServerSide enabled and running a Script from the server side ASP.NET.

Only that I need this table to be dynamically ordered according to user clicks, according to this example of the documentation.

I was able to sort a single column at a time thanks to the following script:

List<ReportDetailPosicoes> detailPosicoes = (List<ReportDetailPosicoes>) Session["reportdetails"];
ReportPosicoes report = (ReportPosicoes) Session["report"];

// Carrega os dados relatório pela primeira vez e os adiciona na sessão.
if (detailPosicoes == null)
    //Adicionando ordenação Crescente por Data (padrão).
    detailPosicoes = detailPosicoes.OrderBy(detail => detail.Emissao).ToList();

    Session["report"] = report;
{ // Ordenação de acordo com o clique no cabeçalho da tabela
    string orderDir = form["order[0][dir]"];
    string orderStr = "Emissao";

    switch (form["order[0][column]"])
        case "0":
            orderStr = "Placa";
        case "1":
            orderStr = "Emissao";
        case "2":
            orderStr = "Situacao";

    if (orderDir == "desc")
        detailPosicoes = detailPosicoes.OrderByDescending(detail => detail.GetType().GetProperty(orderStr).GetValue(detail)).ToList();
        detailPosicoes = detailPosicoes.OrderBy(detail => detail.GetType().GetProperty(orderStr).GetValue(detail)).ToList();

Session["reportdetails"] = detailPosicoes;

However, I have no idea how to sort by multiple columns.

Does anyone have a better notion? Is there a better way to do it than the one I executed? And to sort through more than one column at the same time, how can I?

Thanks in advance.

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