Display json in different locations of my html statico


Viewed 41 times


Hello I have a json : http://mulher.store/clara/admin/api/empresa.php?e=8

this api data needs to appear in several places of my html page: example:

<div id="community-members-member-top-title" class="empresas">
<h1> Hotel Sol Y Luna</h1>
<p class="page-text9">Fundo Huincho Lote A5</p>

these two tags I was able to change... but I blocked the images...

        fetch("http://mulher.store/clara/admin/api/empresa.php?e=8").then((answer) => {
            answer.json().then((response) => {
                const empresas = document.querySelector(".empresas");
                li = document.createElement("h1");
                li.innerHTML = `
                const pagetext9 = document.querySelector(".page-text9");
                li = document.createElement("p");
                li.innerHTML = `
        const baseURL = `http://mulher.store/clara/admin/api/empresa.php?e=8`;
        fetch(baseURL).then((answer) => {
            answer.json().then((response) => {
                const imagens = response.fotos.map((foto) => {
                    return `
            <img src="https://remmote.la/img/community/${foto.url}" alt="fotos" />
                const galeria = document.querySelector(".galeria");
                li = document.createElement("picture");
                li.innerHTML = `

html images:

<div class="community-members-member-content-gallery-imgs-img-inner-inner">
<picture class="galeria">
<p class="galeria-fotos"></p>

but the image does not load

link: woman.store/clara/Tiago

  • 1

    I think it would be easier to fetch a single time and save to a variable, so for example const dados = fetch('http://mulher.store/clara/admin/api/empresa.php?e=8'); and then use the "data" variable where you need it

2 answers


Are 2 problems:

The first is that the code is placing a comma after each image. This is because the picture variable is an array, not a string. To solve, change ${imagens} for ${imagens.join('')}.

The second problem is on your server. It is returning the wrong image URL. You’re picking them up from the remote.la site, but the server delivers the URL with remmote.la (with’m' repeated).

  • Bah Andre, ball show, gave it right... another doubt, it is inserting one on top of the other, in the html statico I had a div for each image, will be able to recover those from the server and do the same thing so I can make a gallery?

  • Yes! You’ll need to change the code const galeria = ... down. What you want is to find the mother div, and insert into her the other Divs, with the same structure as each slide.


Even though I already have an accepted answer, I will leave an example with another approach, without the need to convert the array, which I find totally unnecessary, in addition to some other corrections!

As commented by Ricardo, you are repeating the same call to the same endpoint unnecessarily, or you save the return in a variável/constante (indicated if the code gets large, can partition it into functions), or does everything within it fetch as I did in the example. As you can see in it there is no need to convert the array using Join(''), you can just walk through it and make the logic you need inside.

const baseURL = `http://mulher.store/clara/admin/api/empresa.php?e=8`;
const empresas = document.querySelector('.empresas');
const galeria = document.querySelector('.galeria');

fetch(baseURL).then((answer) => {
  answer.json().then((response) => {
    const h1 = document.createElement('h1');
    h1.innerHTML = `
    const p = document.createElement('p');
    p.innerHTML = `

    // IMAGENS
    response.fotos.map((foto) => {
      const picture = document.createElement('picture');
      picture.innerHTML = `
         <img src="https://remote.la/img/community/${foto.url}" alt="Fotos" />
<div id="community-members-member-top-title" class="empresas"></div>

<div class="community-members-member-content-gallery-imgs-img-inner-inner">
  <p class="galeria-fotos">IMAGENS</p>
  <div class="galeria"></div>


To access elements of the DOM is better already access them when loading the page, that is, outside the fetch

When creating elements in the DOM, it is indicated to use a variable/constant otherwise that element will be global in the code, as here: li = document.createElement("h1");

You used the same reference in memory to create different elements, as here li = document.createElement("h1"); and then right here li = document.createElement("p");

As stated in the other reply, the url of the images is incorrect.

  • Leandrade, thank you very much for your explanation, I will apply and see the result!

  • 1

    It worked very well Leandrade.. now just I apply a css to put them side by side?

  • You can use flexbox if you need to: https://origamid.com/projects/flexbox-fullguidance/

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