I have an object that has properties of various types and one of them is a List <int? >, however when executing a precedent it returns me only one number, does it work if I remove the list and leave only int? , only that I really need a list because elements of this list will be added. the error that this giving is:
Error Parsing column 28 (Imoid=22 - Int32)
class property: public List< int?> ImoId { get; set; }
Call to Sprocedure:
var bookings = db.Query<BookingEntity>("Sp_061_Int_Plat_Booking01", commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, commandTimeout: 600);
return bookings;
How do I get a whole one just on this property?
Using Imapper
How you set your mapper to receive your Bookingentity class?
– Marcos Junior
Yes, but the property is an int List, and what comes from the Procedure is only an int. In fact it was modified to be a List, before it was an int and normal function, now a table has been created for this. and the customer does not want to change the model.
– Thiago Barros