How to create a followers table?


Viewed 46 times


I’m doing a tcc project, which is kind of a social network..., I want to create a followers system but I don’t know how to put this in the database or how to relate the data I already have

this and the user table

 CREATE TABLE usuario(
    id_usuario      SMALLINT     AUTO_INCREMENT,
    nome            VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
    sobrenome       VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
    apelido         VARCHAR (25) NOT NULL,
    email           VARCHAR (60) NOT NULL,
    senha           VARCHAR (15) NOT NULL,
    numero          VARCHAR (11),
    id_status       VARCHAR(4), 
    data_nascimento DATE         NOT NULL,
    cpf             VARCHAR (11),
    CONSTRAINT pk_id_usuario PRIMARY KEY (id_usuario),
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_status  FOREIGN KEY (id_status) REFERENCES status (id_status)

and this is the artist’s table

 CREATE TABLE artista(
    id_artista  SMALLINT     AUTO_INCREMENT,
    descricao   VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
    id_usuario  SMALLINT     NOT NULL,
    -- seguidores  INT, -- 
    rede_social VARCHAR(200),
    CONSTRAINT pk_id_artista PRIMARY KEY (id_artista),
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_usuario_artista FOREIGN KEY (id_usuario) REFERENCES usuario (id_usuario)

I don’t know how to make such a relationship since the artist is also a user.

  • I would store AB and BA. A 'friendship' is really a two-way relationship, each entity is linked to another. Although we intuitively think of "friendship" as a link between two people, from a relational point of view, it’s more like "A has a friend B" and "B has a friend A". Two relationships, two records.

1 answer


I believe that the best alternative would be to create a third table containing a user/artist N/M ratio

CREATE TABLE seguidores (
    id_artista  SMALLINT,
    id_usuario  SMALLINT,
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_seguidores_usuario FOREIGN KEY (id_usuario) REFERENCES usuario (id_usuario),
    CONSTRAINT fk_id_seguidores_artista FOREIGN KEY (id_artista) REFERENCES artista (id_artista)

If you want to count how many followers an artist has enough

SELECT COUNT(id_artista) WHERE id_artista = IdDoArtistaRequerido FROM seguidores;

  • vlw by tip, only SELECT that I did not understand very well but this I take a way here

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