Mongoose finds but does not update the document


Viewed 22 times


I am using Mongoose in my code and can’t update documents, but with mongodb it works normally, whenever I try to update a document, it returns the following results and does not update the document:

  n: 1,
  nModified: 0,
  ok: 1

My update code:

1 ° The function I created in my repository:

async update(id: string, entity: object, options: QueryOptions = { upsert: true }): Promise<Query<any, any>> {
   return this.model.updateOne({ _id: id }, entity, options);

2° What I call her:

await this.client.database.users?.update(, {
  $inc: {
     xp: wonXP

I’ve tried to use $set in the update query but results in the same

  • Tried to use findOneAndUpdate in place of updateOne?

  • Yes, there in my role I am using "updateOne", but I adapted to a repository that I am doing to call in my client

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