Calculate x in x seconds


Viewed 257 times


I have this code that calculates in 1 second in 1 second between a certain time and then insert into a table. Instead of calculating every 1 second, how can I calculate, for example, every 5 seconds?

for y = horaInicial, horaFinal-1 do
    hora = tostring(math.floor(y / (3600)))
    minuto = tostring(math.floor((y - hora * (3600)) / (60)))
    segundo =  tostring(math.floor(y - hora * (3600) - minuto * (60)))

  • Explain better what this "calculate in 5 seconds".

  • This code inserts it into a 1-in-1-second table between the start time and the end time. I wanted you to calculate with a certain secondary, as for example 5.

  • Full coded entry:

1 answer


Just add a third parameter to the for indicated the jumps that must be given. Thus:

function str2time(hora) 
    return tonumber(string.sub(hora, 1, 2)) * 3600 + tonumber(string.sub(hora, 4, 5)) * 60 + tonumber(string.sub(hora, 7, 8))

hora_array = {"20:03:02", "20:03:35"}
horaInicial = str2time(hora_array[1])
horaFinal = str2time(hora_array[2])
hora_array = {}
for i = horaInicial, horaFinal - 1, 5 do --note o 5 aqui --------------------------
    hora = math.floor(i / 3600)
    minuto = math.floor((i - hora * 3600) / 60)
    segundo =  math.floor(i - hora * 3600 - minuto * 60)
    table.insert(hora_array, string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hora, minuto, segundo))

for i, v in ipairs(hora_array) do print(v) end

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

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