I looked in several places, including in the jQuery documentation and did not find a solution. I need a light of what to do on this occasion. I apologize if it is not very clear, I have never been much of participating in forum and asking for help in this part of programming.
The system is MVC. I perform the listing by doing the load()
of an html page in my <div class="conteudo">
, and within this external html, it has a <table>
and a <script>
the listing of such data.
This works normally by listing the data in its proper places in the table, however when I do a DELETE in the table, it returns in the .done()
, one load()
again in this mine div
with the listing page (external html), and the cat jump is there, it lists the data after the DELETE, duplicates.
When I press the "Registered Students" button it will list the data with the imported html
By clicking on the recycle bin (Deleted the
=4), it deletes the record and imports the html again to list the new table, but with repeated data
If you need me, here’s the code html
external that I’m importing into my page:
<table class="table table-hover table-responsive-sm display compact cell-border" id="alunos" style="width: 100%;">
<thead class="thead-dark">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Nome</th>
<th scope="col">RM</th>
<th scope="col">Celular</th>
<th scope="col">OP</th>
<script src="src/alunos/controller/list-alunos.js"></script>
<script src="src/alunos/controller/delete-aluno.js"></script>
The delete-aluno.js
that realizes the DELETE:
$(document).ready(() => {
$('.conteudo').on('click', '.btn-delete-aluno', function() {
url: 'src/alunos/model/delete-aluno.php',
data: `id_aluno=${$(this).attr('id')}`,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST'
}).done((retorno) => {
And the list-aluno.js
listing, I do not know if it will be necessary to consult this script:
$(document).ready(() => {
url: 'src/alunos/model/list-alunos',
dataType: 'json'
}).done((retorno) => {
for (const dado of retorno) {
<tr role="row">
<button class="btn-delete-aluno" id="${dado.id_aluno}">
<i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i>
Thank you very much, it worked, and besides, improved the front-end, left more beautiful the table that <tbody>, good morning.
– Mário Guilherme
Good that it worked, want to mark the answer as accepted. Needing, we are there.
– Marcos Alexandre